

结果终于爆出死了老婆的Danny唱Dream On,真有胆识,整个过程都是笑点,包括在Dream On里居然有一段“doo loo doo doo doo”的编排,以及最后高压电爆炸样的尖叫。以至于在Simon评说最后高音像恐怖电影,都显得不够好笑了。
And now for the highlight of the evening. Danny Gokey is going to sing “Dream On.” It’s finally happened. Idol has made one contestant so overly confident in his abilities, he attempts a song he should never touch and completely murders it by giving one of the worst performances in Idol history. Starting out, Danny isn’t that bad yet. When he holds out the word “pay” it goes out of tune and he continues to hold it anyway… a sign of things to come. Then Danny attempts to inject attitude into the song, but the problem is that the Killsbury Doughboy doesn’t have any rock sensibility. At one point he improvises the phrase “doo doo doo doop” in the song. Who “doops” in a rock song? Hilarious! But the worst is still yet to come. As Danny wraps the song up, he starts doing the patented Steven Tyler scream, but with his gravely voice and lack of singing ability, it comes out as a hilarious shriek. And then the very last note ends up being 4-5 notes in complete dissonance with any possible musical score you can think of. Dogs start jumping at their TV screens. Mariah Carey throws her television out the window. Glass shatters. California falls off the US and floats away into the ocean. And yet, Danny still thinks he did a good job. That’s a level of delusion every good VFTW pick needs. Randy says, “Yo, I’ll give you one thing… it was a train wreck. Get it? I keep talking about trains. Dawg, you suck.” Kara says that Danny took the comments to add more edge and swagger to his performances too far. She also recommends that he should sing early Aerosmith instead, like “Crazy” or “Cryin.” This bitch is so stupid that she thinks 90’s Aerosmith is older than their first single. Simon calls it over the top and compares Danny’s scream to a horror movie. But the judges are still basically polite, which is funny to watch. Danny looks pissed off and tells Ryan, “I gotta go back and listen to it. I could be right. What I heard up here wasn’t as bad as what they said.” Well then, we didn’t get to anoint the first blind Idol in Scott, but we can produce the first deaf Idol in Karaoke Gokey.
If Danny goes home, I’d still laugh though, because I hate him. But if he wins, I’d laugh much more. Scream on, Gokey. Scream on.
